Should be 18x^4-12x.
Let me know if you want more of an explanation.
3 odd integers have a property that they average up to the middle large one. Let's say we have 3, 5, and 7. 3 is 2 less than 5 and 7 is 2 more than 5. so when you add them it equals 2 times 5.
After we know that, the sum of 3 odd integers is just 3 times the middle number. ex. 3+5+7 = 3 times 5 = 15
Then we know the some number times three = 225. we find out that the middle number is 75, so the other two are 73 and 77
B) the flow of goods and services
Step-by-step explanation:
Balance of payments (BOP) is a statement of all transactions made between one country and the rest of the world at a particular period of time. It is also called balance of international payment. BoP is divided into current and capital account.
1. The current account: This is account of country's net trade in goods and services, net earnings on cross-border investments, and its net transfer payments. The current account measures the flow of goods and services.
2. The capital account: This is a country's imports and exports of capital and foreign aid. It can also be called financial account.
The sum of all transactions recorded in the balance of payments should be zero.
Balance of payment deficit is when a country's import is higher than its export.
Balance of payment surplus is when a country's export is greater than its import.
Step-by-step explanation: