i stongly belive that "Lungs of the Earth" refers to the trees
Explanation: because trees act just like lungs
The answer is D. This means that is you have a determined amount of force (in newtons) being applied on an object of known mass (in kilograms), then to determine the acceleration of the object, divide the force by the mass (or multiplying the force with the inverse of the mass of the object). This behavior of objects is stipulated in Newtons/ second law. Increasing the force increases the acceleration while increasing the mass decreases the acceleration of the object. Acceleration is a vector quantity meaning it has magnitude and direction.
B. The spinning motion of Earth.
- podría ser árboles
- flores como rosas, Girasol.Gardenia.Gerbera.Narciso.Dalia.etc
- could be trees
- flowers like roses, Sunflower.Gardenia.Gerbera.Narcissus.Dalia.etc
Las plantas terrestres o embriófitas son aquellas capaces de crecer y desarrollarse sobre la tierra. Son un clado o grupo monofilético descendiente de algas verdes y otras especies acuáticas, pero adaptado a la vida fuera del agua. Algunas embriófitas pueden ser semiacuáticas.
Terrestrial plants or embryophytes are those capable of growing and developing on land. They are a clade or monophyletic group descended from green algae and other aquatic species, but ada
And model does it show something exactly as it is in the world