Jetsun Pema is the Queen which literally means "Dragon Queen" of Bhutan. She is married to King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. She is the youngest queen in the world. She is also the mother of Prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, heir to the throne of Bhutan, as well as the mother of the second-born prince, Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck.Jetsun Pema accompanied Jigme Khesar on several of his royal visits to various parts of Bhutan before their wedding, and as Queen of Bhutan, accompanies him on all such visits. The royal visits on road through the country involve meeting and interacting with as many local people, students and public servants as possible.
Abraham is considered the be the father of all nations
World war 1 broke out in 1914 because a group of Serbian nationalists (The Black Hand) assassinated the duke of Austria-Hungary. Austria -Hungary threatened Serbia with a bunch of wishes that they wanted Serbia to due for them. Due to the treaty between Serbia and Russia, Serbia said no. Germany, who had a treaty with Austria-Hungary threatened to attack if Russia mobilized its army. Russia did and Germany invaded Belgium. This brought Great Britain and France into the war.