Truman main goal was the containment of communism and the expansion of the soviet union in the world. this was to be made possible through countering the Warsaw pact. the containment policy was to help in the recovery of European countries economies in order to help them to overcome the attractive vestiges of communism. The countries were to adopt democracy and free market economies.
Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II contributed to the start of the Cold War.
Rock n' Roll and Elvis Presley became popular in the 1950s through the rise of counterculture and young peoples desire for something new and rebellious. Elvis' music and rock'n roll more generally signified a shifting tide in American society amongst youth. Youth became interested in upsetting the status quo and listening and being involved in things that were once considered taboo like rock'n roll. Radio and TV helped to spread this music because it provided a medium for people to hear and learn of new artists and music styles quickly.