were, within six months, about as happy and productive as they had been before their spouse's death.
This study was made in the widow and widowers of the western countries. Considering the departed as just a role model generally viewed as a positive type of: an ongoing link in Western culture. It is also found that individuals once when they started sharing their grief, actually came out of the sadness more speedily.
C. evolutionary theories.
According to revolutionary theories, organisms have the tendency to passed on the better genes to the next offspring. So over time, those organisms will be evolved into a more advanced version of themselves.
This theory can be used to observe our society.
Humans used to live very primitively. Our activities are limited to hunting and gathering food. But as we goes forward, their offspring keep getting smarter and smarter. This enable them to develop a more complex way to survive , They utilize technological invention to make their life better. This is why society keep changing to a more complex form.
At night it takes longer for the water to cool and then it takes longer for the water to heat up in the daytime. Just because of the way the wind is blowing and such
They used palm leaves, clay, animal skin and paprus.