It lacked the guidance of executive authority
Under the Articles of Confederation, state governments were given all the power and the federal government was so weak, it was basically non-existent.
The three people that was present at the battle of The Alamo are David Crockett, Jame bowie ans William B. Travis.
it allows citizens to place new legislation on a popular ballot or to place legislation that has recently been passed by a legislature on a ballot for a popular vote.
universal ruler
Genghis Khan .He acquired the title of Genghis Khan, likely meaning 'universal ruler', and, after unifying the Mongol tribes, he attacked the Xi Xia and Jin states and then Song China.Sep 16, 2019
Similarly, but not as deep and wide as in Western Europe, the Crusade's impact could be seen on some socio-religious elements of the Muslim world. Further, the bitter legacy of these wars widened the hostility, hatred, and dissent between the West and the Muslim world that still is perceived in one way or the other.