In the context of trade, saffron is one of the world's most expensive spices by weight. Saffron consists of stigmas plucked from the vegetatively propagated and sterile Crocus sativus, known popularly as the saffron crocus. The resulting dried "threads are distinguished by their bitter taste, hay-like fragrance, and slight metallic notes. The saffron crocus is unknown in the wild; its most likely precursor, Crocus cartwrightianus, originated in Crete or Central Asia The saffron crocus is native to Southwest Asia, and was first cultivated in the area now known as Greece.
"Saffron, for example, was once less regarded than it is today because the crocus from which it is extracted was not particularly mysterious. It flourished in European locations extending from Asia Minor, where it originated, to Saffron Walden in England, where it was naturalised. Only subsequently, when its labour-intensive cultivation became largely centred in Kashmir, did it seem sufficiently exotic to qualify as one of the most precious of spices.
The Indian Wars were a protracted series of conflicts between Native American Indians and white settlers over land and natural resources
"The Dialectic of Christianity" first appeared in Culture in History, edited by Stanley Diamond, which was published by Columbia University Press in 1961, and is reprinted with their permission. "The Symbols of Folk Culture" is reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder, The Con- ference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Incorpo- rated, and was written for its thirteenth symposium volume, Symbols and Values: An Initial Study, pub- lished in New York City, in 1954. Acknowledgment is made to the American Folk- lore Society, Inc.
covenant. Literally, a contract. In the Bible (see also Bible), an agreement between God and his people, in which God makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them. In the Old Testament, God made agreements with Noah, Abraham, and Moses.
9 of the 13 states had to pass the law