Burning down the forest to plant crops, and putting herbivores where the plants grow. Can't think of another one...
The density of water increases as the salinity increases. The density of seawater (salinity greater than 24.7) increases as temperature decreases at all temperatures above the freezing point. The density of seawater is increased by increasing pressure
Depolarization and repolarization are part of the action potential.
C. Action potential
an adaptation can be defined as an inherited trait which confers an evolutionary advantage to the organism in a certain environment
An adaptation, also known as an evolutionary adaptation, can be defined as any physiological and/or morphological inherited trait related to the improved evolutionary fitness of one organism in a particular environment. An adaptation improves the chances of survival and reproduction in a certain environment, thereby organisms carrying the adaptation have more chances to produce descendants and pass their genes to the next generation. Some classical examples of evolutionary adaptations include the long necks of giraffes that help them to eat leaves at the top of trees, light bones of flying birds, etc.
The team would have to replace the nucleus.
Prokaryotic cells, such as the Mycoplasma capricolum cell used in the experiment do not contain either membrane bound organelles or a defined nucleus. Prokaryotic DNA floats around freely in the cytoplasm in a region called the nucleoid.
The genetic material of eukaryotic cells is protected by a membrane bound nucleus. Therefore, in order to replace an animal cell's DNA, the whole nucleus has to be removed.
In the process of cloning, the oocyte (egg cell) that receives the nucleus (from somatic cell) of the desired species or individual has to be enucleated i.e. its own nucleus has to be removed. This process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.