Electron microscopy is a powerful tool in the field of microbiology. It has played a key role in the rapid diagnosis of viruses in patient samples and has contributed significantly to the clarification of virus structure and function, helping to guide the public health response to emerging viral infections. In the present study, we used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study the infectious cycle of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero E6 cells and we controlled some key findings by classical transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). The replication cycle of the virus was followed from 1 to 36 h post-infection. Our results revealed that SARS-CoV-2 infected the cells through membrane fusion. Particles are formed in the peri-nuclear region from a budding of the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi apparatus complex into morphogenesis matrix vesicae. New SARS-CoV-2 particles were expelled from the cells, through cell lysis or by fusion of virus containing vacuoles with the cell plasma membrane. Overall, this cycle is highly comparable to that of SARS-CoV. By providing a detailed and complete SARS-CoV-2 infectious cycle, SEM proves to be a very rapid and efficient tool compared to classical TEM.
Codons and anticodons are present in the form of triplets.Codons are present on the coding strand of DNA and on mRNA and their anticodon is present on transfer RNA.When codon present on mRNA binds to its anticodon on tRNA then appropriate amino acid is carried by tRNA on ribosomes for protein synthesis. For example, AGC and ACA anticodons are present on tRNA that binds to UGC and UGU on mRNA for amino acid cysteine.
Corn crop is resistant to herbicides because they are genetically modified through genetic engineering. There are some bacteria which are resistant to herbicides i. e. no effect of chemicals on that bacteria. So the biotechnologist take a gene from this resistant bacteria and induced it in the corn plant which becomes the part of their genetic makeup. So when we apply herbicide, the gene produces some enzymes which cancel the adverse affect of herbicide and only weeds are affected.
The answer is, d. consists of circular DNA molecule . The circular DNA is found in bacterias and archeas (which are prokaryotic organisms). The picture shows bacterial chromosome.