Hey There
how are you
the answer to your question is
Acute time limited
Stressors can assume a number of patterns in relation to time. They may be classified as acute time-limited, chronic intermittent, or chronic sustained. An acute time-limited stressor is one that occurs over a short time and does not recur. A chronic intermittent stressor is one to which a person is chronically exposed intermittently; chronic sustained is continuous. PTSD is characterized by a severe stress response secondary to experiencing previous trauma.
thank you
Algal blooms occur when algae multiply very quickly. Blooms can form in waters that are rich in the nutrients the algae need to grow, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and iron. ... Blooms may become more frequent as the earth warms and the levels of nutrients in our waters increase.
B. genotype
Genotype determines an organism's phenotype.
D! Because a gas takes its form and volume of its container
75% Blue
25% Other
If both are Heterozygous, that would mean that they're both Bb.
That would mean that it'll be Bb, Bb.
B b
B║ BB ║ Bb ║
b║ Bb ║ bb ║