Oil polluting, chemical gas release harms the environment by contaminating groundwater, soil, and water. Climate change. Some countries are experiencing a decrease in rain.
A duty of a responsible citizen to stand against littering on public places because it causes environmental degradation. will inform to the municipality or corporation about the littering.
Environmental degradation is caused by disposal of garbage, throwing of plastics and other non-biodegradable matter. Littering on public places cause bad smell, breeding ground of insects (mosquitoes, fly) that causes several health hazards and diseases like Cholera, Typhoid, Dengue etc.
To protect our environment we should stand against littering, create awareness among people by spreading the information about its harmful effect. Municipalities, Corporation should clear the road side dustbins everyday and provide moveable garbage dropper site at every corner of locality.
It’s the human skull and the other facial bones
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ADHD is a neurological disorder. It occurs due to some deficiency in the brain. It is the chronic condition of a person. It occurs in childhood and can persist for a long duration or to adulthood.
It is related to low self-esteem, troubled relationships and has difficulty in maintaining social, family and school relationships. There are, any type of treatment can be applicable for this disorder such as psychotherapy, play therapy, drugs, and counseling, etc.
Dara was mostly diagnosed with a disorder called Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.