All I know is that the first one if 2:12 pm or am sorry
Ma cousine c’est la fille de mon oncle
Mon neveu c’est le fils de mon frère
Ma sœur c’est la fille de mes parents
Ma tante c’est la soeur de mon père
Byye <33
Read this note and watch this video to learn how to express duration in French.
Have fun and be attentive
Prepositions: Duration - course
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
During the actual duration of an action .......................... lived here for 15 years. I will be going on vacation during the month of August. I learned French during my vacation.
There is (with the past tense affirmative): indicates a precise moment in the past, for a finished action ............... He left 5 minutes ago.
Until indicates the end of the duration of an action: ................ I am here until Tuesday. He lived here until his sister left.
In: the time necessary to carry out an action .................. I go to work in half an hour. (I leave at 9 a.m. and arrive at 9:30 a.m.)
For indicates the planned duration, the planned duration .................. He will come for 3 months but if the city pleases him he will stay longer.
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
<span>Claire est la fille la plus intelligente de la classe.
Claire is a female, so you add 'la' and a 'e' at the end of intelligent to show its a female.
Claire chante la plus bonne du groupe.
</span>Claire is a female, so you add 'la' and the female version of bon, which is bonne.
Henri et Paul son les moins patients de tous.
Henri and Paul are male names. Since there is more than one, it is 'les' and add 's' to patients to </span>show its plural.
I think it’s « Est-ce-que tu as fais la vaisselle ce soir? Hélène. »