Answer: Repetitive-part learning
Explanations: Repetitive-part learning can be simply defined as a method used in learning new skills where an individual learns a part of the skill and practice, then a second part of the skill is learned, part one and two are combined together and practiced and then a third part is introduced which has to be learned and combined with the previous ones and practiced, the process will continue in this sequence untill all part are learned, combined and practised as a whole and mastered.
This allows individuals to learn the small details in each skills.
Dividing the golf swing skill acquisition into different components and having his students learn each component independently before combining all the components to practice a complete golf swing is a good illustration of Repetitive-part learning.
Animal charities that display pictures of soulful-eyed dogs and kittens locked in small cages are attempting to get donations for the use of what poor country self.
The Humane Society is one of the most animal welfare packages in the international, and for an exact cause: not simplest does the Humane Society have a number of applications designed to guide domesticated animals, however, they have released tasks in opposition to a natural world searching, animal trying out, and manufacturing unit farming, too
The poor-state comfort version states that humans have an innate drive to lessen bad moods. They can be reduced with the aid of engaging in any mood-raising behavior, such as assisting behavior, as it is paired with superb values such as smiles and thanks.
Learn more about animals charities
In 1960, Rostow published his classic Stages of Economic Growth, which outlined five phases that all countries would go through to become developed: 1) conservative culture, 2) take-off preconditions, 3) take-off, 4) maturity push, and 5) high-mass-consumption age. There is no precise term for the stages of economic development, unlike the stages of economic growth (which were suggested in 1960 by economist Walt Rostow as five specific stages: conventional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, and age of high mass consumption).
Hope this helps!
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Indeed, Douglass knew, as he argued so ardently in his famed 1852 July Fourth speech, that for democracy to thrive, the nation's conscience must be roused, its propriety startled and its hypocrisy exposed. Not once, but continually and for the good of the nation, he argued, we must bring the “thunder.”Feb 10, 2018
This is the site I got the info from:
Why Frederick Douglass Matters - HISTORY › frederick-douglass-bicentennial
The aspect of classical conditioning that illustrated on this scenario is: Generalization
Classical conditioning defines generalization as a response that we give to a certain stimulus after we determine an appropriate response for that certain stimulus. This phenomenon make mary generalize her past experience to all dogs.