One of the most important was climate changes. As climate changed, nomads had to find new places to migrate to which led to people going to areas that were uninhabited before. Another was the development of agriculture which more or less ended the nomadic way of life when people started settling.
The Express powers of council recorded in Article One, Department eight of the structure grants the legislative branch a huge amount of authority over American national policy, both foreign and domestic. Express powers are those explicitly and absolutely specified in the Constitution.
they tricked the persians to fight in a narrow channel where large persian ships would have trouble moving
The name that given is Muckrakers
The term was popularly coined during the development of early progressive era in the period of 1890s - 1920s.
Back then, the government and the establishments were known to be really corrupt and many Muckrakers started to do investigative journalism to find out the truth about their practice.