It is making a definitive statement for a particular position, invoking the imagery of Uncle Sam.
The Germanic tribes were much more culturally set back than the romans in things like buildings, writing, and art. The Germanic tribes were mainly nomadic so they never settled down to build magnificent buildings such as the Colosseum. The Romans at one point switched over to christian religion and the Germanic tribes were pagan, so after the Roman Empire collapsed, Christianity almost died out in most of Europe.
Im gonna go with D
Southern Dermocratin wanted slaves,
Radical Reconstruction - Helped slaves
the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. - Helped slaves
carpetbagger was a derogatory term applied by Southerners to opportunistic Northerners who came to the Southern states after the American Civil War
the compromise that made Rutherford B. Hayes president - ended the Reconstruction