The organelle in the plant that will most likely store the absorbed herbicide waste is the vacuole. Vacuoles act as storage bubbles in plant cells. They could store various materials such as food or nutrients to help the plant survive. It can also store waste materials to prevent them from contaminating the entire cell.
Minimally processed
Foods are said to be minimally processed when they undergo a little treatment so as to preserve them. These treatments might involve the application of heat, drying, and refrigeration so as to preserve them before consumption. Most fresh-cut fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, dairy products, etc., fall under this range.
These kind of foods still contain a good amount of their nutrients as their original content are not lost due to excessive processing.
Rf valuues and reprroooducibility can be affected by a number of different factors such as layer thickness, moisture on the TLC plate, vessel saturation, temmperature depth of mobile phase, nature of the TLC plate sample size, and solvent parameters. These effects normally cause an increase in Rf values
also sorry for bad typing