Mi No Gusta.
#teamtrees #WAP (Water And Plant)
ACHONDROPLASTI DWARFISM is a condition that is characterized as long, narrow trunk, short limbs and a large head. It is the most common type of dwarfism and it occurs in about 1 out of 40.000 babies. Other features of the condition include: protruding jaw, flattened bridge of the nose, forward curvature of the lower spine and bow legs.
Hypothesize that the ants are following a scent trail that the first ant left.
Hope it helps.
Los cromosomas se forman cuando la cromatina se condensa durante la división celular, sólo en este proceso son visibles. Este proceso es muy importante, ya que esta condensación o sobre enrollamiento, hace que se economice espacio, si esto no sucediera, la cromatina excedería el espacio nuclear disponible.
The lungs belong to the respiratory.