The Sugar Act was part of the policy of Mercantilism that favored England by controlling trade, especially in respect of the import of sugarcane from the West Indies.
By preventing colonists from trading with most foreign countries. How did mercantilist policies create tension between Great Britain and the colonies? Colonist organized boycotts of British goods. ... Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes.
Source Google Search
It is unsafe to remove a plug from the a wall receptacle by placing your hand on the cord
Unlike now, people couldn't just take any environment and turn it into a place for travel if a few days to weeks. Travel through a tough mountain range would be extremely difficult compared to a nice flat lands. Trade was essential for the new england colonies due to the them being away from the mainland. New england had to have good trade with the middle colonies and southern colonies and depended on geography good for travel with goods to and from market places.
If you are declared guilty of a crime without being given a trial, you can state congress has given you :
Habeas Corpus
hope this helps
Rajesh's beliefs that bribery is an acceptable practice for getting things done in his country and it works. hence, he argues that such cultural values must be adopted by all countries to get things done suggest the following ethical practise: ethical imperialism. The term <span>describes a situation where a code of ethical behavior or attitude is imposed on another community or society.</span>