to emphasize the need for force
They were trying to not go into a war and thought that the good in people would win over having to have a war. Now, this answer provides you with the information that you need to show that sometimes we have to face our enemies in battle and we need to do all we can to have the force we need to conquer the enemies.
Eb saclo bel si mou chuti whi
D. Hilary said that there must have been more than five thousand people at the stadium.
If the number is rounded or estimated, spell it out.
C is wrong because numbers higher than 99 do not need a hyphen.
So for years, scientists have been trying to use cloning techniques to make embryonic stem cells that are essentially a genetic match for patients. The idea is that such a close match would prevent their bodies from rejecting the cells. "It's been a holy grail that we've been after for years,"
The answer is "in some melodious plot"