There is typically more than one way to communicate an idea with regard to sentence structure, and how the sentence is structured contributes to its tone. For instance, short/brief sentences can contribute to a sense of hurry or haste. For instance let’s look at the following sentences:
I was late. I quickly ate. I brushed my teeth. I forgot to comb my hair. Then, I was out the door.
Can you feel the tone of urgency communicated by the short sentences?
Likewise, long and drawn out sentences can provide the tone of sluggishness and/or unwillingness. This is something to keep in mind when constructing your own sentences—as you are writing always be aware of your sentence structure and the tone it may communicating.
The correct answer is:
English immersion, referred to as a "sink-or-swim" approach.
The most common method used nowadays is "sink-or-swim" approach, due to the fact that it has a high effectiveness and really good results when acquiring a second language. This approach consists in creating an environment where students feel all the time like in a pool, all surrounded by water, in this case all the time surrounded and in contact with the foreign language. This fact, causes students to develop and feel the necessity to start communicating in the second language every time in a more proper and advanced way.
The best answer in this case is the last one - a software package which retrieves information from any or all avaliable internet servers.
This is correct because when you think about it, this is exactly what a web browser does. You type a certain webpage's home address and it returns you the information stored about this webpage on a server where it is hosted :)
part A Hattie is taken aback by all the noise and activity in New York City
part b "People zipped in front of her with briefcases tucked to their sides as high heels clacked on the pavement."
Soooo, I'm a freshman in college, going into sophomore, and trust me you will be fine! It's not that different from middle school and junior high. I actually made a bunch of new friends when I was in high school too, but it ended up being awesome. Also, I know that this is off topic, but I really miss my doggo, and I am so excited to see him this summer. :D
Have a great summer, and an even better high school!!!