Introduction of milk and milk products for human consumption into the EU
Harmonisation ensures that the same requirements for introduction of milk and milk products are applied in all the Member States, and prevents milk and milk products that may carry infectious diseases that are dangerous for livestock or humans from entering the EU territory.
These principles apply also to consignments which are in transit and/or temporarily stored in the EU. According to the risk they may represent such consignments are exempted from the public health requirements but must fulfill the animal health requirements.
In general:
The non-EU country of origin must be authorised for introduction of milk and milk products into the EU The establishment of origin must be approved and authorised as an establishment, from which milk and milk products may be introduced into the EU The third country of origin must have an approved residue plan The non-EU country must fulfill certain requirements to be authorised for the introduction of milk and milk products. The most important aspects to be evaluated before authorisation are:
the organisation, structure, competence and empowerment of the veterinary services the legislation of the third country the non-EU country's rules on the prevention and control of animal diseases the health status of livestock, other domestic animals and of wildlife the regularity and rapidity of information on infectious animal diseases provided by the third country to the European Commission and to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) the health requirements for the production, manufacture, handling, storage and dispatch of products of animal origin Audits
Before a non-EU country is authorised to introduce milk and milk products into the EU, the Commission may carry out an audit to verify that all the criteria provided for under EU legislation are properly fulfilled.
Authorised third countries
Based on the principles contained in EU legislation and the results of the Commission audit, the non-EU country may be added to the list of third countries authorised for the introduction of milk and milk products into the EU, contained in Commission Regulation (EU) No 605/2010 laying down animal and public health and veterinary certification conditions for the introduction into the European Union of raw milk, dairy products, colostrum and colostrum-based products intended for humanconsumption. A non-EU country must be listed in that Regulation before exporting milk and milk products to the EU.
This Regulation contains details of animal health requirements and the appropriate veterinary certificate models required for introduction of milk and milk products into the EU.
Authorised establishments
All imports of milk and milk products into the EU must come from an approved establishment that has been authorised and listed for that purpose. The third countries are responsible to keep the lists of establishments up to date and to inform the Commission of any changes. Lists of establishments in non-EU countries that are authorised to produce fresh meat are published on the Commissions webpage.
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