Social media is a big part of many young people’s social and creative lives. Social media is becoming increasingly embedded in apps, games, websites and even learning environments, so it’s hard to ban, even for younger children. And if you ban social media, your child might be more tempted to check it out when they’re away from home. This means you miss the opportunity to teach your child how to navigate social media risks and behave respectfully on social media.
Children and teenagers use social media to have fun, make and maintain friendships, share interests, explore identities and develop relationships with family. It’s an extension of their offline and face-to-face interactions. For older teenagers especially, it’s often a key part of how they connect with friends.
Social media can connect children and teenagers to online global communities based on shared interests. These might be support networks – for example, for young people with disability or medical conditions, teenagers, or children from particular cultural backgrounds. Or they might be sites for commenting on and sharing content about particular interests like games, TV series, music or hobbies.
On the other hand,in order to keep your teen kid safe, try by blocking and reporting people they don’t know or people who post upsetting comments or content.
Marco recycled the empty soda can.
Boiling point. Distillation is the process of removing one substance from another by boiling it away. This is possible because of differences in boiling points of two substances.
I think it's important to a community for it's citizens to have good citizenship because of the many benefits it brings.
If people have good citizenship, their community could be a cleaner, safer, prettier, and happier place. If people are caring and are willing to take the time to help others, they will not just be turning their city into a better place, but turning into better, happier people themselves.
The people in that community will not be as selfish, demanding, or even stressed as people who don't show good citizenship. If they are constantly outwardly focused, they won't have any time to be stressed about their own problems. They also won't have as much stress based upon time, like being late. It won't matter as much if they are late because others will help them out with their work.
Provide an example of one action that could be seen as “good” citizenship by some people and the same action could be seen as “bad” citizenship by others. Explain why.
maybe it is that the present is the important time. the present is when we have power, u cant influence the past, and u dont know the future.
maybe it is that u should do good. doing good helps u as well as other ppl.