negative punishment
Punishment (positive or negative) decreases the chances that a particular behavioral reoccurs.
Handing a prison sentence to anyone that offends the laws of the state is an example of negative punishment based on available research. This is because, serving a prison sentence makes it more likely that the convict will commit the same crime again.
While many experts in criminal justice have observed that many ex-convicts tend to re-offend, the principles of positive punishment for convicts have been set out by Peter B. Wood in his paper titled "Exploring the Positive Punishment Effect Among Incarcerated Adult Offenders
"; American Journal of Criminal Justice 31(2):8-22; 2007; .
In his submission;
<em> "As the U.S. has pursued a policy of mass imprisonment for nearly three decades, now boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world and returns nearly 800,000 ex-convicts into our communities each year, more attention to this issue is called for-particularly since it could be argued that, for many offenders, criminal justice punishments promote future offending."</em>
Synonyms for the word externality could be: face, area, level, side, skin, top, etc.
Our understanding of the universe has changed a lot over time!
He improved on Aristotle's theory which was that the earth was the center of the universe also known as geocentric.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus had a theory that the sun was the center of our solar system. This is also known as heliocentric.
Tycho Brahe
His work supported the idea that the Earth orbited the sun.
Brahe hired Kepler, another astronomer to work with him.
How has our understanding of the universe changed over time?
Johannes Kepler
Isaac Newton
Edmund Halley
Edwin Hubble
By Isamilla & Nelleke
The Hubble space telescope was named after Edwin Hubble.
He had three laws of motion.
He hypothosized that the nebulae were their own galaxies.
<span>He imagined the earth at the </span>
center of the universe with the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets orbiting it in perfect circles.
Newton put Kepler and Galileo's ideas together and discovered that the reason that things fall on the ground is the same reason that planets orbit around the sun.
He made a telescope that could magnify
up to 30 times.
<span>He discovered that Copernicus' theory </span>
was true. "We're not the center of the universe."
He found out that the planets orbit the
sun in ellipses (oval shapes).
He explained how the tides were made by the moon.
He figured out that the speed of the planets depend on the sun.
Halley discovered a comet. It was discovered in 1705. It will come around again in 2061
The comet Halley comes every 75 - 76 years
384–322 BCE
90 AD – 168 AD
1473 – 1543
1546 – 1601
1571 – 1630
1564 – 1642
1642 – 1727
1656 – 1742
1889 – 1953
Celestial Sphere
<span>It's an invisible sphere around the earth
The focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, as in the cocktail party effect (ability to attend selectively to only one voice among many). thats the answer
Regionally, a home may be a general region, such as the south. Locally, this will be something on a much smaller scale such as your hometown. Globally, this will usually be a nation as your home.
Example -
My regional home is the south, my local home is Smallville, and my global home is the United States.
Hopefully, this helps! I'm a bit iffy on my answer, but I hope it satisfies you! =)