Excommunication to the Hagia Sohpia
The threat of excommunication used by the Pope to hold his power over the Eastern Church. The Pope delivers a Bull of Excommunication to the Hagia Sophia because of its religious practices. The Western Church used Images of crucifixes, Mary, and saints where the Eastern Church forbid image. The opposition in the churches led to excommunicated between Eastern patriarch and Pope Leo IX.
The water molecule starts arriving from one of the two rivers that form the Tennessee River, the Holston and French Broad rivers, in Knoxville. From there, it follows the course of the river, towards Chattanooga, always heading southwest, seeking to reach the neighboring state of Alabama. Enter through North Alabama, looking at the city of Decatur, and then Florence, to follow the current and decide to visit the State of Mississippi by the border, in Pickwick Lake, to end its hectic and interstate trip, returning to Tennessee; helping to define the great Tennessee Divisions: the Middle and the West, to finally connect with the Kentucky Lake.
It unified and increased the power of the national state. It increased the feeling of French nationalism, and it set a precedent for a democratic French government.
Oligarchy is a system of command that hold power around small group of people.
1. Oligarchy Governments tend to exclude others and are very selective. This puts limits on their supplies and connections.
2. When the citizens of an Oligarchy government find the people in power too exclusive and notice that they can not precede in ranking or approach the hierarchy, the citizens will revolt and see no reason to be apart of this Oligarchy lifestyle.