This is an example of: <u>a sample survey.</u>
In the experiment to determine the effect of sleep deprivation on the ability of the student to concentrate definitely needs an experimental setup rather than a randomized data collection.
<em>Do to the fact that, the experimental used a small sample sized area (Students in a calculus class) to test his hypothesis shows that the setup is a sample survey. </em>
<u>This sample survey result could be extrapolated to the whoe region (the classes in the school or whole school ) to determine if there was a major significance between the two variables.</u>
Race, for a long time, was a concept that was accepted, not only by the scientific community, but also, by society at large.
With time, the concept of human race was found to be a biological myth, a social construct, and while this kind of thinking is true in the scientific community, in society, many people still believe that human races are real.
You might be able to access a sense of ease, trust, or connection when you and a friend find a shared value. Spend time talking about these things or engaging in activities that support these shared values.
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