Trade between mexico and new mexico established during the Spanish period was open only to the Spanish.
The Native Americans believed that nobody owned the land. Instead, they believed the land belonged to everybody within their tribe. The Europeans, on the other hand, believed that people had a right to own land. They believed people could buy land, which would then belong to the individual.
The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.
In around 500bc the Germanic tribes were living on southern shores of the Baltic and to the south of Scandinavia. There was a tribe called the Franks living in what is today Germany and they moved west to conquer the Roman Gaul. It was not named France at that time but the kingdom of Franks and at one point the king of the Franks Charlemagne was crowned as the Holy Roman emperor, the first emperor after the fall of Western Rome.