I would probably go with B or A
The athenians were a more artistic and cultured group. They believed in pleasure whether it be through arts, theater, or architecture while the Spartans only hunted and fought
Bjdubdbcihdbdjinsnccisdj jchhgcdbbencuhbebdjjhbebfchjjebdjujbdchjhdnbhcjbbchjhdbhhdhdhdhhndjhjje ibdjuchhehikesbhdjcuidjhueihdhhcdbbcuuh
According to piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the : concrete operational stage
According to piaget, most people entered this stage during middle childhood, when kids are starting to able to create a logical conclusion abouts specific event
The single-stranded genomic DNA, the SDS, and the cellular waste are precipitated in a high-salt environment that is created by the potassium ion from the potassium acetate.
After centrifugation, the supernatant will still contain your plasmid DNA. Plant DNA has frequently been extracted using the potassium acetate method.
It has been suggested in situations when several markers need to be evaluated on the same samples since it generates enough DNA to test a high number of markers. Typically, laboratory procedures call for the use of potassium acetate.
In molecular biology applications, potassium acetate precipitates sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and SDS-bound proteins to enable their removal from DNA. It may also be employed as a salt for the ethanol precipitation of DNA.
To learn more about potassium acetate