I built a bench press to relieve stress instead of relying on drugs to do that.
extended discussion on a subject
Course as defined in the scenario above means movement along a path. The word discourse could therefore be broken into two:
dis - which plays the role of a prefix and ;
course - the root word meaning movement along a path
The prefix usually means : to break, move apart, deviate or opposite of something. Therefore combining the root word and the prefix, we might define discourse to mean a discussion or talks which isn't just in a certain direction or path, it could be characterized as being unusually long covering various fields.
Stabbing Bob and carry slapping ponboy
Women were required to forgive men’s emotions, especially anger.
You can see how Helmer is trying to explain how he was foolishly speaking when he was angered earlier to Nora. However, Nora doesn't seem to understand that Helmer was just foolishly speaking.
Have a good day.