Income is money what an individual or business receives in exchange for providing labour, producing a good or service, or through investing capital. Individuals most often earn income through wages or salary. Businesses earn income from selling goods or services above their cost of production.
D unable to unknot
According to the text "Which one might not undo" which bassically means it's not going to happen bro.
B). Bed sheets should be washed at least once a week to prevent an unhealthy buildup of bacteria.
As per the question, option B displays the best way to rewrite the given sentence as it is both grammatically and syntactically appropriate. It follows the grammatical structure as <u>the clause 'to prevent an unhealthy buildup of bacteria' is justly mentioned at the end of the sentence to reflect the purpose.</u> Therefore, the purpose of 'suggesting the washing of bed sheets once a week' is clearly demonstrated by the phrase 'to prevent an unhealthy build up of bacteria'. Thus, <u>option B</u> is the correct answer.
Because they didn't need hin to go