the rate of photosynthesis will increase
This is an example of Precursor gene regulation (protein translation) type of eukaryotic gene regulation.
The source which breakdown proteins into smaller amino acid is pepsin and generated as top cells within stomach lining or membrane, responsible for pepsinogen emission inside stomach. It is represented as zymogen having an extra 44 amino acids linkage as its primary structure. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) releases this zymogen which is emitted from the parietal cells in the stomach lining.
Once food is consumed, the hormone gastrine and the vagus nerve cause the secretion of both pepsinogen and HCl from the stomach lining. Hydrochloric acid induces an acidic environment that allows pepsinogen to unfold in an autocatalytic manner and thus generates pepsin the active form.
<span>The salmon spend about one to five years (depending on the species) in the open ocean, where they gradually become sexually mature so they depend on big bodies of water.</span>
A wavy-haired parent can either contribute a C or an s, so two wavy-haired parents have a fifty percent chance of having a wavy-haired child, a twenty-five percent chance of having a curly-haired child, and a twenty-five percent chance of having a straight-haired child.
Ans: Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce regulatory molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell.