Arachne is a weaver that boasts she is the best weaver in the universe and that no one can match her skills. This comes back to bite her later when she is put in a cloth making competition with Athena. Arachne, of course, loses and is turned into a spider.
Arachne's characterization foreshadows her fate by her being boastful.
In this excerpt by “the fleet” is referred to the Greek army
lead. The Greek army is lead by Agamemnon, who. by destroying the temple of Apollo and ravishing Trojan priest’s
daughter, Chryseis, draws on the wrath of Apollo. Apollo sets off the plague
and infects Greek fleet to punish him. By releasing captives, Agamemnon saves his army from the
plague and marches on ahead.
Law, medicine and science are the three professions whose vocabularies use Greek and Latin words extensively.
Acting doesn't really need a lot of these fancy words, and hospitality isn't even a profession.