The caravel is one of the most important ships since it is small, highly maneuverable for sailing
Q: Translation -
The 20th of November, the day of the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, is considered in many Brazilian cities, the day Black Consciousness. The figure of Zumbi dos Palmares is especially claimed by social movements as a symbol of resistance and the struggle against oppression suffered by blacks. About this question, answer the question: a) What was Quilombo dos Palmares? B) Cite and analyze TWO OTHER forms of resistance to slavery. *
Americans and Arabs of the Persian Gulf do not have common values and culture.
Tie Votes. "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided" (U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3). Since 1789, 263 tie-breaking votes have been cast.
Athena guided Odysseus on his way back home. It all started during the war. Odysseus was on the Greeks' side. They were losing badly. He prayed to Athena, and she gave Odysseus the idea of the Trojan Horse. After that, Odysseus became a favorite of Athena.