Shakespeare's plays were so popular because they contained comedy and drama. The comedies were the things people enjoyed at the time, while the dramas were just dramas. The comedies were like modern movies, while the tragedies were more like dramas. Shakespeare always knew how to blend the serious play with the funny play. Without comedy, drama stays, without comedy-drama also remains. Shakespeare was also prolific in producing many plays and also wrote many famous sonnets.
Shakespeare never wrote for a specific society, as other playwrights did. Compared to other playwrights, Shakespeare had flaws.
The effectiveness as a playwright, as in why his plays were so popular, is because his plays contained a lot of messages in every play. The most famous, of course, was the message of being 'taught one's mind, speech and heart' (Othello Act IV, scene V, lines 57-57). Everybody has learned their lesson of why people are taught the mind, trust, and faith, speech and heart.
Shakespeare did not write for the time he lived in.
when the sun would come up each morning
Leave home
There is no explanation really it's just common sense.
He knows that he doesn't have enough to bribe the boys into whitewashing the fence
This is from the Joy Luck Club im guessing??? the primary conflict is between the narrator and her mother, the contention that comes with arguing weather or not loosing more or less pieces results in a better or worse game. the secondary contention is subliminal. it is the pressure the traditional mother puts on her child to not only win, but to always win. Her mother lived in a place and time where only those who did the best survived. the narrator only wants to win, but is willing to make sacrifices to get there. There is the tension and misunderstanding between these two generations.