The odyssey
after winning the Trojan war, the great hero odyssey begins what would you become a ten- years journey back to his home in Ithaca. Cursed by the gods who ruled the earth .Odyssey embarks on series of epic adventures: battling the man - eating Cyclop : over coming the spell of enchantress circe: traveling into the dark world ,hades, surviving a trance from sirens' songs and escaping the clutches of angry sea god, Poseidon
False. positive thinking can lead you to your goal. wishful thinking will keep you in the same place just wishing for it instead of getting it
Papyrus is still used by communities living in the vicinity of swamps
Well the trip is long and tedious. Many artists have expressed their home sickness or just feeling really tired because they are eitheron the road to their next concert or practicing their song for the concert