Francis Scott Key, he wrote the National Anthem (Star spangled banner) because we witnessed us winning the war.
The european union produces about 15% of the world's goods and services. The EU hosts only 6.9% of the world's population, but its trade with the rest of the world represents approximately 20% of world imports and exports. Approximately 62% of total trade is between the EU countries, it is one of the three main world trade powers. The other two are the United States and China.
Answer pick one.The Mexican government refused to recognize Texas’s independence, so the two nations were still at war. Houston also needed to persuade other nations to recogonize Texas as being independent. The new president faced financial prob- lems as well. The government had debts from the Texas Revolution and no money with which to repay them. Native Texans, who had remained peaceful during the Revolution, resented the growing number of settlers invading their territory. Now they threatened to declare war.