Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
Article 10 of the Human Rights Act: Freedom of expression
Because they were the country that had the most powerful weapons. (Nuclear Bombs)
<em>Poetic Devices- he utilizes a great many representations after similitude.</em>
As in a large <em>portion of Leaves of Grass</em><em>,</em> Whitman depicts how all of humankind is a piece of the bigger picture, the <em>earth and the universe</em>.
It's a kind of remains to cinders, residue to clean idea written in his unimaginably wonderful way and <em>method for utilizing the English language.</em>
The idea is old; his way of composing around then, was new and remains new in light of the fact that he was such a <em>virtuoso author.</em>
First of all, the men are poor and trying to support their family. Then it says "On every lofty mountain, on every sunny plain". They had to dig and dig for gold. But if we go off the song lyrics, we know that most gold was fool's gold.
Hope this helps