A paragraph can be defined as a formatting technique used typically for separating the main ideas of an essay into a sets of logical units, in order to enhance or facilitate a reader's ability to follow a writer’s argument.
In English language and writing, paragraphs are primarily used in breaking an essay’s main ideas into manageable but logical units. Therefore, each paragraph contained in an essay or writeups focuses on just an idea from the main idea and illustrates logical, coherent and succinct sentences to enhance the idea. Also, all paragraphs should start on a new line in the essay.
A comparison paragraph discusses the similarities between two topics.
This ultimately implies that, a comparison paragraph is used to compare two things by discussing how they are alike or similar.
For example, a cat and a dog both have four legs, two eyes, a tail, and they serve as pets to humans.
is Ram out to buy some mango
It can be shown as a sign of respect. Most cultures use respect, honor and dignity to display ur social class, and ur way of life.
1. ??, a Milano
2. in Italia
3. in bicicletta
4. a casa
5. Con chi?, alla montagna, con Anna e Chiara
6. il treno, l'areo
7. in classe, in biblioteca
8. vicino
9. Per chi, per
10. Per chi, per
11. a casa, in biblioteca
12. in estate
13. a un
14. a Milano, a Bologna
15. a Venezia
16. a pomeriggio?
17. vicino
18. a
19. alla montagna con i miei amici
20. in compagna, in citta'
In terms of locations, cities are ALWAYS "a ___". Countries are ALWAYS "in ____"
What is the connotation of Silvina Ocampo's story "The sugar house"