People were angry with the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor so people acted out against Japanese-Americans
They went as far as to put all japanese americans on the west coast into internment camps.
Everyone has different points of view and everyone interprets things differently and has different interactions.
First you have to understand what happened in March 5, 1770 a British soldier got in an argument with a colonist then the soldier struck him, people started to gather and then yell at the soldier call him names and then they started taunting him then other soldiers started shotting people in the crowd instantly 3 people died including a salior Crispus Attucks then two days later 2 more people die. My opinion on the topic is it was sad and tragic that it was all because of an argument that got five people shot and killed.
Graph each side of the equation. The solution is the x-value of the point of intersection.
image of graph
Hope it is helpful....