A bank savings account is one simplest type of bank account. It allows you to keep your money safely while earning through interest per month. Money in a savings account is useful for emergencies since they are insured. You also get a card which enables you to withdraw or deposit money into your account. Parent's usually take this type of account for their children for future purposes.
1.6 Q1 + 0.875 Q2 = $56
Budget constraint equation represents the total budget allocation to different activities under consideration.
old Budget Constraint
Q1 + Q2 = $56
New Budget Constraint
(Q1)*8/5 + (Q2)*7/8 = $56
(Q1)*1.6 + (Q2)*7/8 = $56
(Q1)*1.6 + (Q2)*0.875 = $56
1.6 Q1 + 0.875 Q2 = $56
So best answer made based on data available.
E. Follow-up
The follow-up stage is a stage of the selling process which offers a prime opportunity for salespeople to solidify customer relationships through great service quality.
Follow-up means things that can be done by the salesperson in order to Improve customer relation.
Follow-up services helps to:
1. Increase sales: Customers who are satisfied with your services are more likely to come back and patronise you more.
2. Follow-up services helps producers to innovate on their products. Follow-up service includes listening to customers complaint and needs. This allows a producer to Improve on its product.
3. Follow-up services helps a business to stand out among other businesses because only few business follow-up
on their customers.
4. Existing customers refer new customers to patronise you and customers develop a sense of trust in your product and services.
5. Follow-up services helps to increase profit because firms make more sales.
B. An airline
They sell you a service of fly with the company.
The others sell you goods.