Explanation: Democracy originates from ancient Athens and the bottom line is that all people, as equals to God or gods, have equal rights to decide on everything, about their life, not that one authority, an absolutist on their behalf, does so. It is another matter if people entrust their voice to a representative to do it on their behalf, as is the case in representative democracies.
When it comes to the printing press whose mobile version appeared during the Renaissance, it practically means the mass distribution of books, the literacy of that same people who should democratically decide their destinies and lives. So spreading ideas, literacy, decision-making, contributes to empowering peoples to think logically, politically, without the need for authority. It began with the Renaissance, the undisputed authority of the Church was challenged, it extended through the Protestant movements, especially during the Enlightenment, when the Enlightenment thinkers spread ideas about revolution, the agreement between government and citizens, which is an integral part of democracy.