Carnegie introduced the Bessemer process, which decreased the cost of production. ... Carnegie could cut his costs because he owned the supply of raw materials and the means of production and distribution.
1. During the Civil War, Union forces established a blockade of Confederate ports designed to prevent the export of cotton and the smuggling of war materiel into the Confederacy. ... The U.S. Government successfully convinced foreign governments to view the blockade as a legitimate tool of war.
2.Lincoln preferred to promote then-Commanding General Henry Halleck to lead the Union Army, which had been plagued by a string of ineffective leaders and terrible losses in battle. ... Well-respected by troops and civilians, Grant earned Lincoln's trust and went on to force the South's surrender in 1865.
hope it will help you.....
I just took that test too so the answer is B
long term causes worth on the surface most apparent causes of Enlightenment was thirty Years War this horribly destructive war was lasted from 1618 to 1648 compare Germany writers to pet hard criticism regarding the idea of naturalism and wayfair
short-term causes worth the enlightenment produced numerous books essays invention the scientific discoveries laws and Revolution the American and French revolutions were directly inspired by the enlightenment ideal and respectively marked at the peak of its influence in the beginning of its decline so it practically helped but didn't help