World human population is expected to reach upwards of 9 billion by 2050 and then level off over the next half-century. How can the transition to a stabilizing population also be a transition to sustainability? How can science and technology help to ensure that human needs are met while the planet's environment is nurtured and restored?
Our Common Journey examines these momentous questions to draw strategic connections between scientific research, technological development, and societies' efforts to achieve environmentally sustainable improvements in human well being. The book argues that societies should approach sustainable development not as a destination but as an ongoing, adaptive learning process. Speaking to the next two generations, it proposes a strategy for using scientific and technical knowledge to better inform future action in the areas of fertility reduction, urban systems, agricultural production, energy and materials use, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation, and suggests an approach for building a new research agenda for sustainability science.
Our Common Journey documents large-scale historical currents of social and environmental change and reviews methods for "what if" analysis of possible future development pathways and their implications for sustainability. The book also identifies the greatest threats to sustainability—in areas such as human settlements, agriculture, industry, and energy—and explores the most promising opportunities for circumventing or mitigating these threats. It goes on to discuss what indicators of change, from children's birth-weights to atmosphere chemistry, will be most useful in monitoring a transition to sustainability.
as necessidades energéticas totais da UE em termos de consumo interno bruto foram cobertas pelas seguintes fontes: 35% de petróleo, 24% de gás, 17% de combustíveis, sólidos como o carvão, 14% de energia nuclear, 10% de energia renovável, como a energia hídrica ou eólica.
The five tools used by Meteorologist are:
- Barometer- atmospheric pressure
- Sling Psychrometer- humidity and dew point
- Rain Gauge- amount of rain fall
- Wind vain- Wind direction
- Anemometer- measures wind speed.
Five types of measuring instruments used by Meteorologists:
- A barometer is an instrument used by the meteorologist to measure the atmospheric pressure. Since, atmospheric pressure changes with the altitude, barometer helps in measuring atmospheric pressure above and below sea level. There are two types of barometer- mercury and aneroid.
- Sling psychrometer is an instrument used to measure the humidity and dew point of an area. There are two types of thermometer in this wet-bulb and dry-bulb.
- Rain Gauge is an instrument used to collect the rainfall and measure the amount of it. It is done by collecting the precipitation of an area and then it is used to measure the rainfall.
- Wind vane is an instrument used to measure the direction of wind or from which direction the wind is coming. It is also known as weather vane.
- Anemometer is an instrument used to measure wind speed. It is used in weather stations.
Slavery I assume is the most obvious answer i think of personally
Earth’s crust is made up of tectonic plates and the upper part of the mantle layer underneath. Together the crust and upper mantle are called the lithosphere and they extend about 80 km deep.