<span> Lovers, platonic relationships, acquaintances, friends, soul-mates, team mates..</span>
The theme of The Lottery is that blindly following tradition can be dangerous. This story explores the concept of unquestioningly following past ways and not asking the reason behind doing things. We see that this ignorance eventually leads to the loss of life, and for seemingly no purpose.
when Lady Macbeth first enters the scene, what is she saying and doing? ... S3 When Macbeth tells the doctor to cure her, how does the doctor respond? ... what does Macbeth say about the possibility of the army attempting to besiege the castle? ... Because Macduff bring up his mom and him being a baby and she died.
by William Shakespeare
This novel “the two gentlemen of Verona” by William Shakespeare is a plot consisting of two bosom buddies Valentine and Proteus. They bid a farewell in Verona when valentine went to improve his fortune and venture out in the world, whereas Proteus wanted to stay in Verona because of Julia. Proteus was in love with Julia and sent her a letter by his servant speed. However, Julia does not respond affirmative to his letter and let Proteus leave. Later, Julia felt love for Proteus and went after Proteus to Milan. This time Julia is disguised as a man named Sebastian. When she arrived at Milan, she came to know that Proteus is after the Duke’s daughter Silvia and wanted to snatch Silvia from his best buddy Valentine who was also in love with her. These lines are said by Julia, when Proteus sent her to Silvia to deliver a ring. Proteus recognizes Julia as Sebastian, so she uttered these lines in deep pain. Julia exclaimed that no women in this world could deliver a message of love, a ring by her lover to another women. She suggested that she is a fox disguised as a shepherd who does not want his love Silvia reciprocate this message of love. She feels sorry for Proteus because she rejected the ring and he loathes her which made him give this ring to Silvia as a matter of vengeance. Proteus was also giving this ring to Silvia because it reminds him of Julia’s rejection and feeling of being unloved. However, now Julia is an unhappy messenger who wants Silvia to refuse and she is not a loyal servant to her master.
Even after they'e declaration of indepedence was issued. Segregation was big in the south.