The correct answer is:
A. Photosynthetic pigments absorb energy from light.

That's true. There is little variety among organisms found in pools, pounds and lakes. Despite that fact that many ponds are seasonal, lasting just a couple of month (for exemple sessile pools) while lakes can exist for more than hundred years. Lakes and ponds have limited species diversity because they are often limited from each other and from other water sources like rivers, seas and oceans.
Nucleic Acids are the basis for the storage and transmission of hereditary information in all cells. Determines a cell's function and manufactures proteins & enzymes. Encodes instructions for making proteins and RNA. DNA stores the “operating instructions” for a cell.
Answer:DNA is shown to be the genetic material in bacteria and some phages.
DNA is shown to be present in mitochondria, chloroplasts and nucleus, where genetic function is performed
Specific genes can be isolated and spliced into bacterial DNA, which can be inserted into a bacterial cell, and then its genetic expression is monitored.
DNA and RNA are found to be the only macromolecules in eukaryotes that consist of a set of subunits which can combine in unique sequence
1. Lipds is another macro molecule with different subnits of fatty acids and glycerol,therefore the option ( DNA is found to be the only macro molecule in Eukaryotas that has different sub units) is WRONG.
2 The correlation of action and absorption spectra varies with different organisms DNA. e..g in viral cells there is a wide difference between the absorption and action spectra, that is no correlation, while some bacterial cells showed correlations. The option(For DNA, content in various cell types action and absorption spectra of ultraviolet light are correlated IS WRONG.
The correct answers are B; Displacement of people living near the proposed dam and C; Lower river water levels in other areas.
Further Explanation:
The hydropower dam uses water instead of coal to generate electricity. Since they are build on the water, they will be using that source as a way to generate electricity. This will cause the water levels to be lower in some areas along the river.
When building a dam, they will need to use property that is located on the river. Many people own homes along the river banks all over the world. The company who will be building the dam will usually buy out the property owners at a fair market price. This will mean that they will have to move and leave their homes. The homes are typically torn down to make way for the dam.
In some instances, the water bills for the people in the area may be raised also since so much water is being used by the hydropower dam.
Learn more about a hydropower dam at