Answer: L'âge minimum pour obtenir un permis de conduire est de : seize ans pour une moto, dix-huit ans pour une voiture et vingt et un ans pour les bus et les véhicules utilitaires.
In English: The minimum age to obtain a driving license is: sixteen years for a motorcycle, eighteen years for a car and twenty-one years for buses and utility vehicles.
1. Ajoute
2. Farine
3. Cuire
5. Mélange
6. Tasse
7. Cuillerée
You’ve already conjugated some, but here you go:
a. être-> est
b. avoir-> avons
c. parler-> parlent
d. chercher-> cherche
e. aimer-> aimez
f. habiter-> habites
g. aller-> allons
Remember conjugations are just changing a verb from its original form to the one that makes sense with the person doing something. For example in English, we don’t say “ I to listen to music.” we say “ I listen to music.”
To listen—(changes into)—> listen.
Un Athlete, the first e has an accent which is like a blackslash.