The word "Bonjour" simply means "hello" in French. The word is most often used when greeting somebody you are not close with. When saying hello to a friend, family member, coworker, or somebody else you are familiar with, "salut" is an appropriate way to greet him/her.
I hope this helps you! Have a great day!
Demandez à votre professeur!
Attendez un instant!
Veuillez venir à l'heure!
Ne soyez pas tristes!
Réveillez-vous à six heures!
Choose the correct ending for each of the verbs given.
(A.) x
(B.) s
(C.) e
(D.) t
27. pouvoir (je)
Je peuX
28. dormir (il)
Il dort
29. sentir (tu)
Tu sens
30. ouvrir (je)
Choose the correct ending for the past participles of each of the infinitives given.
(A.) -u
(B.) -é
(C.) -is
(D.) -it
31. prendre : pris
32. croire : cru
33. naître : né
34. conduire : conduit
35. courir : couru
Choose the best answer for the following question.
36. Which of the following pronouns cannot be used as an indirect object?
B. se
First, choose the pronoun which would replace the indirect object noun(s) in the sentence. Then choose the blank which the indirect object pronoun in its proper location in the sentence.
37. Elle a donné les examens aux éléves.
B. leur
38. Elle leur a donné les examens.
39. J’ai écrit une lettre à ma meilleure amie, Michèle.
C. lui
40. Je lui ai écrit une lettre.
41. As tu posé la question à Paul et moi?
C. nous
42.Nous as tu posé la question ?
43. Apportez les meilleurs devoirs à moi.
B. moi
Apportez moi meilleurs devoirs .
The first one.
The first one is exactly what you are saying, the second is "To help me with my studies, I will also read books" which doesn't make that much sense.