I think to me it means if you lie or stab your friend in the back in the end or sometime soon you something bad will happen. He uses the wired famish which kind of means starve but I think what he means was you'll be in immense pain later on.
Meaning you should be thankful for you friends and not be an a-hole.
John Brown was a radical abolitionist who believed in the violent overthrow of the slavery system. During the Bleeding Kansas conflicts, Brown and his sons led attacks on pro-slavery residents. Justifying his actions as the will of God, Brown soon became a hero in the eyes of Northern extremists and was quick to capitalize on his growing reputation. By early 1858, he had succeeded in enlisting a small “army” of insurrectionists whose mission was to foment rebellion among the slaves. In 1859, Brown and 21 of his followers attacked and occupied the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. Their goal was to capture supplies and use them to arm a slave rebellion. Brown was captured during the raid and later hanged, but not before becoming an anti-slavery icon.
Mansa Musa's net worth today is about $400 Billion.
As for the rivers, the colonists were aware you must have water to successfully maintain life whether it be human life or plant life, it is necessary. Also being close to water helped them in the workforce, like carrying out trade or fishing It was a "win win" for them.
In 1998, newspaper sources revealed that President Clinton had had a sentimental affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House worker. Bill Clinton's impeachment was initiated by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on two counts: perjury, as he had lied about not having had any kind of relationship with Lewinsky, and obstruction of justice, as he tried to prevent the truth from being ascertained regarding said affaire. Ultimately, Clinton was acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999, as the two-thirds of senators needed to convict the President were not obtained.