The Cold War asked the question in which the general public as well as the government decided where to draw the line in between a person and their own personal freedom & <em>personal space</em>, and the general public's safety. The Cold War saw extensive usage of spies and espionage, as well as counter-espionage tactics that included surveillance, counter wire-tapping, etc. With the government listening to almost everything a citizen says, it took away the sense of privacy. The trend is seen even today, where the US government's past record & capability to continue surveillance of the general public makes many wonder whether or not they really have "freedom".
Early machine guns, such as those in 1914, could fire 400-600 rounds per minute. After the war, the figure was more than doubled. The machine guns in could fire more than 1000 rounds per minute. The rounds were fed via a fabric belt or a metal strip. I hope this helps.
China, de sus nacimientos a la crisis de 1973, reseña
La URSS, de sus nacimientos a la crisis del 73, breve reseña
La respuesta China
La respuesta soviética
Textos de soporte
A lo largo del siglo XX, dos grandes ideologías políticas dividieron al mundo en dos. Se vivía en un mundo bipolar. El bloque occidental y el bloque comunista, se enfrentaron en el campo del comercio, la economía, la tecnología y la ideología. Esta activa oposición entre los bloques es lo que llamamos en historia la guerra fría.
racia liberal. El salvavidas del régimen comunista chino es el crecimiento.
The Treaty of Versailles was the name of the treaty that ended World War 1. It was signed on June 28th, 1919