The main difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell is that, eukaryotes contain membrane bound organelles like nucleus where as prokaryotes do not. The genetic material is present at the center and is called nucleoid in prokaryotes.
Example of prokaryotes include bacteria and archea bacteria. Examples of eukaryotes include plants and animals. Prokaryotes lack organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic resticulum and lysosomes which are present in eukaryotes. Both the groups contain ribosomes but its 70s ribosome in prokaryotes and 80s ribosomes in eukaryotes.
i believe the answer is a or d because it is definitely the stronger prevailing winds
D: Nonpolar covalent bonds involve two atoms that have equal electonegativity whereas polar covalent bonds involve two atoms that are unequal in their electronegativity.
Aristotle finds the good and noble man to be selfish. But from his virtue and righteous behavior emerge gifts that his friends, his homeland, and his own community benefit from. He is a committed person who looks down upon material wealth, but enjoys the benefits of honor and dignity.
The reason I said that you are wrong is because no