House of Representatives
The U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each state elects two senators, while seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned by state according to population, with each state receiving a minimum of one representative. After each decennial census, the House of Representatives used to increase in size, but in the 1910s overall membership was capped at 435 (it expanded temporarily to 437 after Alaska and Hawaii were admitted as states in 1959). Now, after each census, legislative seats are reapportioned, with some states increasing their number of representatives while other states may lose seats.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La manera en que se encuentran relacionados los principios de "Responsabilidad de los funcionarios" y "Publicidad de los actos de gobierno" es por el hecho de que los ciudadanos ejercieron su derecho a elegir libremente a los funcionarios públicos que los gobiernan y a los representantes legislativos en sus respectivos congresos. Por esta razón, los funcionarios públicos o gobernantes están obligados a informar a sus ciudadanos sobre las actividades que realizan y la transparencia de sus actos. Como estos funcionarios fueron elegidos por el pueblo, están obligados a reportar y entregar resultados positivos en beneficio del pueblo que votó por ellos.
La publicidad de sus actos de gobierno debe ser moderada y no deben de invertir mucho en gastos mediáticos en los que solo promueven su imagen pública en lugar de invertir ese dinero en obras públicas de beneficio social.
1. The Massachussett congressman believes that the Indians have all the right to stay on their own lands, and that the settlers have little to no rights of taking the land from the Native Americans. He also states that there were plentiful land in which they already have to accomadate all the people, and they should allow the Native Americans to continue living in their own lands, & the citizens should be thankful for what they already have.
2. To keep the US from passing the expansion, because he finds that there is no need for it at all.
3.The US was deciding on whether they should expand westward or not (this would lead to the Lewis & Clark Expedition)
hope this helps